It will doubtless rain on the day of the garden party.
The Park at night must have seemed luxurious and secluded-a giant evening garden party.
Oh, Mrs Hughes, have you had any thoughts about the garden party for the hospital?
The two announced their engagement in July of 1947, celebrating the happy occasion with a garden party.
The two then announced their engagement in July of 1947, celebrating the happy occasion with a garden party.
Can you? Well, if you want your garden party to be run by a Blind Pugh, that's your business.
" I'm going to have a garden party on Midsummer Eve, " said Sophie.
Good heavens, woman, this is war, not a garden party!
天哪 这是战争 不是舞会!
This wasn't a white wine garden party, this was prison.
这不是什么白人的花园红酒派 这是监狱。
He told me he'd ask it at the garden party and...
This isn't just some garden party.
I just didn't want to be the skunk at the garden party.
Mrs Bird, I shall be very happy with your help with the garden party.
伯德太太 我很高兴露天宴会有你帮忙。
Now, we need to talk about the garden party.
好了 该合计下露天宴会的事了。
Oh, I hate this sort of thing. With Lady Grantham's condition and everything. Can we at least wait until after the garden party?
Other wedding guests have been invited to weddings that were described as, " tropical formal, " " snappy casual" and " garden party whimsical."
But one benefit to being so small is that every single year all of Liechtenstein's citizens are invited to Vaduz castle for a huge garden party.
Well, he said he had a question for me. He told me he'd ask it at the garden party, and he hopes I'll say yes.
When she came back to England, she was soon getting invitations to garden parties, tennis parties, dances, and to country houses for the weekend.
" It was at a garden party and you were wearing a gray silk dress trimmed with ostrich feathers." " No, sir." Mrs. Straker looked puzzled.
“那是在一花园派上,你穿着一件镶有鸵鸟羽毛的灰色丝绸连衣裙。“不,先生。” 史崔克太太一脸疑惑。
At the worst, they belong to a reputable club, and have garments which permit them to attend a garden party or an evening " at home" without attracting unpleasant notice.
在最坏的情况下, 他们属于一有声望的俱乐部, 并且拥有允许他们参加游园会或“在家” 的晚上而不会引起不愉快的注意的服装。